Monday, 25 March 2013

Guildford Classes

Great news to all of you who live in Guildford!

The new Fitness Bug Kettlebell Class starts on Easter Monday 01/04/13 at 7:00pm and will run at the same time every Monday evening after that...

This is a great opportunity to work off all of that chocolate and those hot cross buns... but more importantly it is the chance to change your body forever.

The classes will be held in the amazing Ministry Studios, a purpose built dance, exercise and recording studio complex in the heart of Guildford. (Check out their Facebook Page)

For more information please contact Steve or message us from our Facebook Page.

Classes available on a first come, first served basis... so just pitch up and play!

See you all in the class!!!

Sunday, 10 March 2013


I know that this is a couple of weeks late, but I though that I would share it.

Fitness Bug Training was featured in the local 'Star Courier' paper which has a wide circulation in the Surrey-Hampshire Borders area. The purpose this article was to promote the Tuesday evening class at Yateley Village Hall and to let people have a little insight into KETTLEBELLS.

If you live in this area or know someone who does and you want to come and try out a life changing form of training, make your way over to Yateley Village Hall on Tuesday evening and join the happy lot of KETTLEBELLERS. Classes are £5 per head... that's great value!

See you in the class!